Professional Learning for Educators

The following are professional learning offerings. Coaches and trainers prioritize the offerings based on the scale, teacher priorities, and follow-up to observations. Note that some professional learning modules apply across scales and across levels within a scale.

PC: Project Core

THSR: Tar Heel Shared Reader

BB: Building Bridges

DLM: Dynamic Learning Maps Professional Development

OER: OER Commons Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities

PBS: Iowa PBS Teaching Literacy to Students with Significant Disabilities

DLM: Beginning CommunicatorsThis module describes symbolic and non-symbolic forms of communication, the distinction between pre-intentional and pre-symbolic communicators, and identifies additional sources of support for building communication skills.
DLM: Beginning Communicators Facilitated Module
DLM: Beginning Communicators Self-Directed Module  
PC: Beginning CommunicatorsIntroduction to the many ways beginning communicators express themselves, and strategies for identifying and honoring all early forms, while making connections to symbols.
PC: Beginning Communicators Facilitated Module
PC: Beginning Communicators Self-Directed Module  
PC: Aided Language InputOverview of how to use aided language input strategies to show students what is possible and encourage their use of graphic symbols.
PC: Aided Language Input Facilitated Module
PC: Aided Language Input Self-Directed Module  
PC: Universal CoreIntroduction to the Universal Core vocabulary, available formats for free download, and examples of the flexibility offered for teaching and learning across natural contexts. This is a place to start with students who do not currently have access to AAC systems.
PC: Universal Core Facilitated Module
PC: Universal Core Self-Directed Module  
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal CoreReview of access considerations for students with a range of physical, sensory, and cognitive needs, and available tools for identifying suitable Universal Core formats for each student.
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal Core Facilitated Module
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal Core Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
PC: Shared ReadingThe module on shared reading provides an overview of the routine and case examples of strategies for embedding communication instruction into shared reading lessons.
PC: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
PC: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Shared ReadingThis module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books.
DLM: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Speaking and ListeningThis module addresses speaking and listening in the broader context of expressive and receptive communication for students with significant cognitive disabilities. It emphasizes the importance of speaking and listening when addressing ELA standards and the DLM Essential Elements.
DLM: Speaking and Listening Facilitated Module
DLM: Speaking and Listening Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion  Reviews the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need for all students to have an expressive means of communication. Features 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Facilitated Module
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion  Reviews the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need for all students to have an expressive means of communication. Features 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Facilitated Module
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Self-Directed Module  
PBS: Speaking & ListeningA collection of videos of teachers demonstrating ELA instructional routines that promote interaction and flexible use of language.
PBS: Speaking & Listening  
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-ApplyThis module describes the Anchor-Read-Apply text comprehension lesson format and describes the difference between asking question to assess comprehension and teaching students to understand text in increasingly complex ways.
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Facilitated Module
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Self-Directed Module  
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension ApproachesThis module reviews the anchor-read-apply framework and will be introduced to the DR- TA, KWL, and Yes/No comprehension instructional strategies.
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Facilitated Module
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Generating Purposes for ReadingThis module reviews the Anchor-Read-Apply framework for reading comprehension lessons and focuses on using standards to generate purposes for reading.
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Beginning CommunicatorsThis module describes symbolic and non-symbolic forms of communication, the distinction between pre-intentional and pre-symbolic communicators, and identifies additional sources of support for building communication skills.
DLM: Beginning Communicators Facilitated Module
DLM: Beginning Communicators Self-Directed Module  
PC: Beginning CommunicatorsIntroduction to the many ways beginning communicators express themselves, and strategies for identifying and honoring all early forms, while making connections to symbols.
PC: Beginning Communicators Facilitated Module
PC: Beginning Communicators Self-Directed Module  
PC: Aided Language InputOverview of how to use aided language input strategies to show students what is possible and encourage their use of graphic symbols.
PC: Aided Language Input Facilitated Module
PC: Aided Language Input Self-Directed Module  
PC: Universal CoreIntroduction to the Universal Core vocabulary, available formats for free download, and examples of the flexibility offered for teaching and learning across natural contexts. This is a place to start with students who do not currently have access to AAC systems.
PC: Universal Core Facilitated Module
PC: Universal Core Self-Directed Module  
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal CoreReview of access considerations for students with a range of physical, sensory, and cognitive needs, and available tools for identifying suitable Universal Core formats for each student.
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal Core Facilitated Module
PC: Supporting Individual Access to Universal Core Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Comm During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Comm During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Comm During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
PC: Shared ReadingThe module on shared reading provides an overview of the routine and case examples of strategies for embedding communication instruction into shared reading lessons.
PC: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
PC: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Shared ReadingThis module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books.
DLM: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
PC: Shared ReadingThe module on shared reading provides an overview of the routine and case examples of strategies for embedding communication instruction into shared reading lessons.
PC: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
PC: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Shared ReadingThis module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books.
DLM: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module  
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic RoutinesOverview and examples of how to support interaction and teach communication during common academic routines across the day.
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Facilitated Module
PC: Teaching Communication During Academic Routines Self-Directed Module  
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion  Reviews the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need for all students to have an expressive means of communication. Features 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Facilitated Module
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Self-Directed Module  
BB: Vocabulary Instruction: Teaching the Meaning of New WordsFocuses on helping students learn to understand tier 2 words while learning to relate known words to new words.
BB: Vocabulary Instruction: Teaching the Meaning of New Words 
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion  Reviews the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need for all students to have an expressive means of communication. Features 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Facilitated Module
DLM: Supporting Participation in Discussion Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-ApplyThis module describes the Anchor-Read-Apply text comprehension lesson format and describes the difference between asking question to assess comprehension and teaching students to understand text in increasingly complex ways.
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Facilitated Module
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Self-Directed Module  
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension ApproachesThis module reviews the anchor-read-apply framework and will be introduced to the DR- TA, KWL, and Yes/No comprehension instructional strategies.
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Facilitated Module
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Self-Directed Module  
DLM: Generating Purposes for ReadingThis module reviews the Anchor-Read-Apply framework for reading comprehension lessons and focuses on using standards to generate purposes for reading.
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Self-Directed Module  
PBS: LanguageA collection of videos describing and demonstrating ELA instructional strategies aimed at building language understanding and use for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
PBS: Language  
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological AwarenessThis module covers the four components of alphabet and phonological awareness instruction to support the development of symbolic communication. It also includes four instructional activities associated with alphabet and phonological awareness.
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness Facilitated Module
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness Self-Directed Module
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & PhonologicalThis site includes videos and other resources describing and demonstrating approaches to teaching alphabet and phonological awareness to students with significant disabilities.
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & Phonological  
BB: Letters and WordsThe first part of this module is focused on teaching students to identify letters including upper and lowercase letter names and the sounds they represent. There is also an emphasis on phonological awareness.
BB: Letters and Words
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological AwarenessThis module covers the four components of alphabet and phonological awareness instruction to support the development of symbolic communication. It also includes four instructional activities associated with alphabet and phonological awareness.
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness Facilitated Module
PC: Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness Self-Directed Module
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & PhonologicalThis site includes videos and other resources describing and demonstrating approaches to teaching alphabet and phonological awareness to students with significant disabilities.
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & Phonological  
BB: Letters and WordsThe first part of this module is focused on teaching students to identify letters including upper and lowercase letter names and the sounds they represent. There is also an emphasis on phonological awareness.
BB: Letters and Words
BB: Letters and WordsThe second half of this module focuses on teaching students to use their developing alphabetic awareness to read and spell words.
BB: Letters and Words
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & PhonologicalThis site includes videos and other resources describing and demonstrating approaches to teaching alphabet and phonological awareness to students with significant disabilities.
OER: Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Alphabet & Phonological  
PBS: ReadingA collection of videos featuring teachers teaching students with significant disabilities to read and spell words.
PBS: Reading  
PBS: ReadingA collection of videos featuring teachers teaching students with significant disabilities to read and spell words.
PBS: Reading  
BB: Letters and WordsFocuses on teaching students to use their developing alphabetic awareness to read and spell words.
BB: Letters and Words
PBS: ReadingA collection of videos featuring teachers teaching students with significant disabilities to read and spell words.
PBS: Reading  
BB: Letters and WordsThe second half of this module focuses on teaching students to use their developing alphabetic awareness to read and spell words.
BB: Letters and Words
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module
OER: Emergent Reading Part 2Part 2 of this module focuses on shared reading with students with significant disabilities including those who use or are learning to use AAC.
OER: Emergent Reading Part 2
DLM: Shared ReadingThis module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books.
DLM: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module
THSR: Text ReferencingModule 3: Expands on comments made when following the CAR to include text referencing. Forms of text referencing will be described, and participants will learn the different areas of focus while engaging in text referencing.
THSR: Text Referencing Facilitated Module
THSR: Text Referencing Self-Directed Module
DLM: Shared ReadingThis module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books.
DLM: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Text ReferencingModule 3: Expands on comments made when following the CAR to include text referencing. Forms of text referencing will be described, and participants will learn the different areas of focus while engaging in text referencing.
THSR: Text Referencing Facilitated Module
THSR: Text Referencing Self-Directed Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module
THSR: Text ReferencingModule 3: Expands on comments made when following the CAR to include text referencing. Forms of text referencing will be described and participants will learn the different areas of focus while engaging in text referencing.
THSR: Text Referencing Facilitated Module
THSR: Text Referencing Self-Directed Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module
THSR: Putting It All TogetherModule 5: Putting It All Together, integrates and applies all the content from the four previous modules.
THSR: Putting It All Together Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting It All Together Self-Directed Module
OER: Emergent Reading Part 5Part 5 of this multi-part module focused on building background knowledge during the Anchor step of an Anchor-Read-Apply Lesson.
OER: Emergent Reading Part 5
BB: BB Cycles: Shared Reading to Reading ComprehensionFocuses on helping student move from Shared Reading to reading comprehension through the Anchor Read Apply routine.  
BB: BB Cycles: Shared Reading to Reading Comprehension
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-ApplyThis module describes the Anchor-Read-Apply text comprehension lesson format and describes the difference between asking question to assess comprehension and teaching students to understand text in increasingly complex ways.
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Facilitated Module
DLM: Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply Self-Directed Module
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension ApproachesThis module reviews the anchor-read-apply framework and will be introduced to the DR- TA, KWL, and Yes/No comprehension instructional strategies.
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Facilitated Module
DLM: DR-TA and Other Text Comprehension Approaches Self-Directed Module 
DLM: Generating Purposes for ReadingThis module reviews the Anchor-Read-Apply framework for reading comprehension lessons and focuses on using standards to generate purposes for reading.
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Facilitated Module
DLM: Generating Purposes for Reading Self-Directed Module

THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module
THSR: Text ReferencingModule 3: Expands on comments made when following the CAR to include text referencing. Forms of text referencing will be described, and participants will learn the different areas of focus while engaging in text referencing.
THSR: Text Referencing Facilitated Module
THSR: Text Referencing Self-Directed Module
PC: Predictable Chart WritingThis module emphasizes approaches to integrating AAC use into the predictable chart writing routine.
PC: Predictable Chart Writing Facilitated Module
PC: Predictable Chart Writing Self-Directed Module
THSR: Shared ReadingModule 1: Provides information on the research-based instructional practice of shared reading. Participants will learn about shared reading goals, how early literacy concepts are impacted by shared reading, and how to use big ideas to prioritize their practice.
THSR: Shared Reading Facilitated Module
THSR: Shared Reading Self-Directed Module
THSR: Follow the CARModule 2: Provides information on the Follow the CAR approach to shared reading. Participants will be introduced to the Tar Heel Shared Reader interface and how to use it to pre-plan comments.
THSR: Follow the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Follow the CAR Self-Directed Module
THSR: Text ReferencingModule 3: Expands on comments made when following the CAR to include text referencing. Forms of text referencing will be described, and participants will learn the different areas of focus while engaging in text referencing.
THSR: Text Referencing Facilitated Module
THSR: Text Referencing Self-Directed Module
PC: Predictable Chart WritingThis module emphasizes approaches to integrating AAC use into the predictable chart writing routine.
PC: Predictable Chart Writing Facilitated Module
PC: Predictable Chart Writing Self-Directed Module
DLM: Emergent WritingThis module provides an overview of alternate pencils, how to support emergent writers, what students learn during the emergent writing stage, and how to analyze emergent writing.
DLM: Emergent Writing Facilitated Module 
DLM: Emergent Writing Self-Directed Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CARModule 4: Addresses the second approach to shared reading, putting the CROWD in the CAR. Participants will learn to create comments that are appropriate for the language and literacy abilities of students.
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Facilitated Module
THSR: Putting the CROWD in the CAR Self-Directed Module
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts  This module focuses on approaches that help students learn to select topics and write to share information or explain what they know about them.
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts Facilitated Module
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts Self-Directed Module
DLM: Text Types and PurposesThis module focuses on teaching students with significant cognitive disabilities how to use print or braille to communicate to different people for different reasons.
DLM: Text Types and Purposes Facilitated Module
DLM: Text Types and Purposes Self-Directed Module
PC: Self-Directed ReadingThis module discusses how to support interaction and teach communication as students select, read, and discuss age- and ability-appropriate books during independent reading.
PC: Independent Reading Facilitated Module
PC: Independent Reading Self-Directed Module
PC: Independent WritingThis module focuses on supporting interaction and teaching communication as students select topics, write, and share their work.
PC: Independent WritingFacilitated Module
PC: Independent Writing Self-Directed Module
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts  This module focuses on approaches that help students learn to select topics and write to share information or explain what they know about them.
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts Facilitated Module
DLM: Writing Information and Explanation Texts Self-Directed Module
DLM: Getting Started with Narrative WritingThis module describes narrative writing and explains how to support students in writing about familiar experiences. It focuses on helping them learn to identify possible topics to write about, and how to examine drafts.
DLM: Getting Started with Narrative Writing Facilitated Module
DLM: Getting Started with Narrative Writing Self-Directed Module
PC: Self-Directed ReadingThis module discusses how to support interaction and teach communication as students select, read, and discuss age- and ability-appropriate books during independent reading.
PC: Independent Reading Facilitated Module
PC: Independent Reading Self-Directed Module
PC: Independent WritingThis module focuses on supporting interaction and teaching communication as students select topics, write, and share their work.
PC: Independent Writing Facilitated Module
PC: Independent Writing Self-Directed Module

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